The Godfather: Part II
6th StreetThe Godfather: Part II
1. 6th Street6th street was the largest filming location in New York. This is where young Vito Corleone follows Don Fanucci during the parade, and where young Vito lives and works. The producers and crew shut down the block for the entire filming process of Vito's young life, restricting the times when residents could enter and leave their homes. Tents used for selling goods and store signs are used to recreate 1920s Little Italy. The crew removed traffic lights, changed a funeral parlor into a bank, created new store fronts, and repainted buildings on the 500 block of 6th Street. They used this street for a majority of Vito's youth because the buildings on this street were still shorter in comparison to the towering New York skyline. Coppola wanted an authentic area, and this street still had six story buildings that he could use to portray to the 1920s time period. What made this street even more authentic is that young Vito could cross over the tops of buildings with ease. This street is one of the most important filming locations of all three films and captures the authenticity of Little Italy.
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