Powhatan Indian Village

2. Powhatan Indian Village

The Powhatan Indian village at Jamestown Settlement represents how the Powhatan people lived during the English settlement period. Many of the Powhatan people lived in single family homes. These "yehakins," or longhouses, had storage racks that held food and tools. Their beds were on wooden frames that lined the inside walls. An indoor fire in the center of the room was used for cooking and heating the home. The Powhatan people spent much of their time outdoors. Women and children planted the 'three sisters,' beans, corn and squash, as well as sunflowers. These crops were harvested during the fall and dried for winter use. They also gathered roots, berries, nuts, grains and a variety of edible wild plants that supplemented their diet during the colder months. The men fished and gathered food to last until summer when they could plant and harvest crops again.
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