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Breaking Bad

Albuquerque Indoor Karting
Location Pin Albuquerque, NM

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Breaking Bad

29. Albuquerque Indoor Karting
Location Pin Albuquerque, NM

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With the murder of Gale Bottetticher hanging over him like a shadow, Jesse looks for anyway to blow off his dirty money. He throws wild meth parties but when he grows tired of the partying he asks Walt one night after cooking in the superlab if he wants to hit the go-kart track with him. A little confused Walt declines and Jesse goes alone, screaming as he whips around the turns. The go-kart scenes were filmed at Albuquerque Indoor Karting, a local establishment that has really embraced its Breaking Bad connection. During the local 2014 ABQ Breaking Bad Fest, the karting complex offered a copy of the complete series to the person with the fastest time. They called the event “Karting Bad.” Although they have embraced their Breaking Bad connection, Albuquerque Indoor Karting urged their guests to not be as “sad as Jesse” when they hopped on the track. So you can scream when taking the turns but please, do so in delight. Photo Credit: www.groupon.com, www.visitalbuquerque.org

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