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Breaking Bad

Casa Tranquila
Location Pin Albuquerque, NM

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Breaking Bad

14. Casa Tranquila
Location Pin Albuquerque, NM

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In Spanish Casa Tranquila means "House of Tranquility," but the rest home where Hector "Tio" Salamanca is relegated to after his nephew, Tuco's death is anything but tranquil on the day that Gus, his henchmen, Tyrus and Hector, meet their demise by explosion. After Gus dispatches the Juarez Cartel brass, he visits Hector frequently to gloat about his defeat of The Juarez Cartel and the cessation of the Salamanca name with the death of Joaquin Salamanca at the hands of Jesse. Aware that Hector and Gus are old enemies, Walt sees the infirm Hector's desperation for revenge as the perfect way to get rid of Gus once and for all. Walt attaches an explosive device set to go off at the ring of Hector's famous communication bell (the bell sold at auction for $26,750). Walt lures Gus back to Casa Tranquila by having Hector contact the DEA but giving them no information. Realizing that Hector is a liability, Gus and Tyrus decide to pay Hector one last visit to dispatch him. After Hector rings his bell and the bomb goes off, killing Hector and Tyrus, Gus walks out of Hector's room. He straightens his tie, appearing to have miraculously survived the blast until the camera pans, revealing that one side of Gus' face is gone. He then collapses leaving Walt as the sole drug kingpin of the southwest. The exterior shots for Casa Tranquila were filmed at the former Valle Norte Caring Center located at 8820 Horizon Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87113. [Photo Credit: Steve Snowden]

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