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Breaking Bad

Civic Plaza
Location Pin Albuquerque, NM

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Breaking Bad

18. Civic Plaza
Location Pin Albuquerque, NM

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After things go sour between Jesse and Walt in Season 5, with Jesse almost burning the White House down, Jesse decides to cooperate with Hank to bring Walt down. After learning that Walt wants to meet Jesse, Hank convinces Jesse to wear a wire. Jesse reluctantly agrees but fears that the meeting is a trap to kill him. The meeting place is scheduled for "a plaza," which is actually Albuquerque Civic Plaza located downtown at 1 Civic Plz. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102. When Jesse arrives for the meeting, he sees Walt sitting on a bench. But as he approaches, he spots a man lurking near Walt and believes that this man will kill him. Jesse opts to call Walt from a pay phone and tells him that he is keen to Walt's plan to kill him. Jesse then informs Walt that he plans to kill him. When Hank picks Jesse up he is not too happy, saying that Jesse blew their only chance to bring Walt down, but Jesse says he has a plan. It is later revealed that Walt had no intentions of killing Jesse, and the man was unknown to Walt. Civic Plaza is a venue that can hold up to 20,000 people and hosts a wide range of events so be sure to check and see if anything interesting is going on. [Photo Credit: Megan Eaves]

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