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Breaking Bad

Location Pin Albuquerque, NM

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Breaking Bad

19. Denny's
Location Pin Albuquerque, NM

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Everybody has probably eaten at a Denny's once in their lives, but this is no ordinary Denny's. Located across the street from The University of New Mexico, Walt and Jesse have breakfast here after disposing of Victor's body in Season 4. In the Season 5 premiere, Walt is seen here with a full head of hair (This is a year in the future). He orders breakfast and arranges the bacon into a "52," as it is his 52nd birthday, although there is much debate over that among fans. This harkens back to the pilot when Skyler arranges his bacon in a "50." After dodging some questions from a nosey waitress, Walt goes into the bathroom where he meets Lawson, his gun dealer. He gives Lawson an envelope of cash and Lawson gives Walt a set of keys. Lawson makes Walt promise that "it" won't cross the border and Walt says "it" won't. Walt makes his way out of the Denny's, tipping the waitress a hundred on his way out. In the parking lot he locates the car the keys belong to and opens the trunk revealing a M60 machine gun. This opening scene of the last season had people speculating for months as to what Walt would do with the machine gun. The address of the Denny's is 2608 Central Ave. SE, NM 87106, but unfortunately it is no longer open. The building is still there for photo opts, but you won't be able to get a Grand Slam. [Photo Credit: Steve Snowden]

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