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Breaking Bad

Jesse's House
Location Pin Albuquerque, NM

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Breaking Bad

5. Jesse's House
Location Pin Albuquerque, NM

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Located at 9809 Margo Street, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104, this house is Jesse's place to escape but also his own personal prison where the ghosts and demons of the terrible things he's done still haunt him. In Season 2, he is temporarily evicted by his parents only to buy it back in a shady deal facilitated by Saul. Jesse moved into the house while his aunt was dying from lung cancer. After his aunt's passing, the ownership passed to Jesse's parents who let him live there until they discover a meth lab in the basement. The basement of Jesse's house is also where Walt strangles Krazy 8, his first real cold-blooded murder. Jesse also tries to dissolve Emilio's body, Walt's true first kill and Jesse's former partner, with hydrofluoric acid in his bathtub only to discover that Emilio isn't the only thing that the acid dissolves sending a gory torrent through the ceiling. After Jesse gets the house back from his parents, he throws a nonstop party at the house to try and blot out the murder of Gale Boetticher. During the production of the second season, the house was sold and subsequent interior and exterior scenes were filmed on a set and at 322 16th Street SW, Albuquerque, NM 87104, respectively. [Photo Credit: Steve Snowden]

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