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Breaking Bad

The Quarters BBQ
Location Pin Albuquerque, NM

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Breaking Bad

28. The Quarters BBQ
Location Pin Albuquerque, NM

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Started in 1970, locally owned Quarters Package Liquor and BBQ Restaurants is ingrained in the culture of Albuquerque. But in Season 2 of Breaking Bad the BBQ joint was ingrained in the pop culture of the nation when it was featured as the bar where Walt unknowingly meets Jane’s dad before he causes the Wayfarer 515 disaster. In Season 3 hungry for revenge for the death of an 11-year old boy Jesse sets out to kill the drug dealers responsible. But Walt preempts him and takes them out with his car in one of the show’s most shocking scenes. These scenes were filmed very near Quarters as well. Be sure to stop into Quarters for some of their mouth watering BBQ or pick up a bottle of scotch Walter White style. Photo Credit: www.nmgastronome.com

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