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The Walking Dead

Atlanta Mission
Location Pin Atlanta, GA

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The Walking Dead

3. Atlanta Mission
Location Pin Atlanta, GA

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In the pilot episode, "Days Gone Bye", after Rick wakes from his coma he starts to quickly notice that the world he's waking up to isn't the same as it was before he was shot. As he goes outside the hospital he notices the piles of bodies, burned out buildings, and deserted military vehicles. The Atlanta Mission serves as The Hospital in The Walking Dead, although the outside of the building is all that was shown on television -- the inside hospital scenes were filmed elsewhere. In the very first episode, the hospital is the place where Rick discovers that things have changed, forever. While he's in the hospital, there are subtle signs that the outside world will be different, as there are no nurses to help him, and the power is out in the building. He sees the first half-eaten corpse while he's inside. As he leaves the hospital (still wearing his gown), he sees the bullet holes, blood spatter, the collection of dead bodies and the deserted community. It is an iconic scene in The Walking Dead series. These scenes were filmed at the administrative offices of the Atlanta Mission (formerly known as Atlanta Union Mission) located at 2353 Bolton Rd, Atlanta Ga 30318. Atlanta Mission is the city's largest and longest-running provider of services to homeless men, women and children. Established in 1938, Atlanta Mission provides emergency shelter, temporary shelter, recovery programming, job attainment and transitional housing for more than 950 men, women and children daily.

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