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The Walking Dead

Goat Farm Arts Center
Location Pin Atlanta, GA

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The Walking Dead

5. Goat Farm Arts Center
Location Pin Atlanta, GA

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The "Vatos" episode of The Walking Dead has several scenes of an abandoned building, which is Atlanta's Goat Farm Arts Center, Foster St NW, Atlanta, GA, 30318. In this building, Glenn has been kidnapped by a nursing home crew disguised as gang bangers. Although Glenn gets released after Rick, Daryl, and T-Dog are forced to complete a prisoner exchange, their truck is missing and the group must return to the campgrounds on foot. Despite having to run all the way from the abandoned building to the campsite, they make it safely. This building is located near some railroad tracks near Foster St NW in Atlanta, GA, and was historically known as the E. Van Winkle Gin and Machine Works, or Murrays Mill. The 11.3 acre site is bounded by a junction of north-south and east-west railroads; main lines swept past the complex along its south side and around to the west. The period 1889-1912 represents the period during which the building was in use as an industrial complex. Now housing Atlanta's Goat Farm Arts Center, this sprawling complex of buildings on 11.3 acres has a distinctly European flavor with internal streets scaled for the horse and buggy and handsome brickwork. Most of the buildings are constructed of brick load bearing walls with heavy timber interior structures supporting wood plank floors and various roofing systems. Cast iron columns can be found on the ground floor of several of the buildings and building heights range from one to three stories. Scenes in the first part of the movie "Kalifornia" starring Brad Pitt and X-Filer David Duchovny were also filmed at Murray's Mill in an open environment towards the west part of the acreage.

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