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Captain America Winter Soldier

Lake View Cemetery Dam
Location Pin Cleveland, OH

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Captain America Winter Soldier

14. Lake View Cemetery Dam
Location Pin Cleveland, OH

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Known as Cleveland's Outdoor Museum, it is more than just a cemetery. It is a wonder of botanical flowers and historical landmarks.  Captain America and his friends regroup here and in the bunker that is supposedly located below the 80,000,000 US Gallon dam. Here they try to figure out how to get S.H.I.E.L.D. back into their rightful possession.  Throughout the park, visitors can see the James A. Garfield Memorial as well as the Wade Memorial Chapel and its unique and wondrous architecture. Tours are held, both structured and self-directed, and those interested can see the crypt where President and Mrs. Garfield are laid to rest.  A marker will lead you to the pond where the ashes of Eliot Ness, former FBI Agent who was immortalized in the Untouchables, were scattered.

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