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Captain America Winter Soldier

The Willard Intercontinential
Location Pin Cleveland, OH

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Captain America Winter Soldier

11. The Willard Intercontinential
Location Pin Cleveland, OH

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In this historic luxury hotel, the scene is set for Jasper Stillwell to meet with Senator Stern.  Located two blocks east of the White House and two blocks south of the Metro Center Station of Washington Metro, it was developed into its present state in 1847 after the purchase of six smaller structures that were built in 1816.  The present hotel opened in 1901 but a major fire in 1922 caused significant damage and major renovations had to be done.  It was estimated at the time that the damage was in the neighborhood of $250,000, which in 2014's currency would be almost $3.5 million. Apart from being a significant hotel for Washington elite and their guests, such as the first group of Japanese ambassadors to the US in 1860, it has also played a significant role in America's history especially for political reasons.  It was also where some of the country's best minds found inspiration for their work, be it paintings, literature or the stage. In popular culture, it was used by one of the movie masters, Steven Spielberg, when he used the hotel to shoot the finale of the Minority Report in 2001. 

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