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D-Day: Commonwealth Sectors

Bridge at Robehomme
Location Pin Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandie

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D-Day: Commonwealth Sectors

17. Bridge at Robehomme
Location Pin Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandie

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Like many of the other teams the attack force targeting the Bridge at Robehomme was desperately under strength and without any specialist engineers. However, they made their way across country and reached the bridge at around 0100hrs. After a couple of hours and still no further sign of the sappers, it was decided to do the best with the tools to hand. Their explosion woke the neighbours and weakened the bridge but it still stood. Finally at around 0600 hrs the demolition experts arrived and completed the job whilst the paras protected the engineers. This time they were more successful and the bridge tumbled into the River Dives.

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