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D-Day: Commonwealth Sectors

Casemate WN29
Location Pin Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandie

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D-Day: Commonwealth Sectors

44. Casemate WN29
Location Pin Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandie

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To the west of the River Seulles was emplacement WN29 which comprised of two reinforced concrete casemates protecting two 75mm and an 88mm gun. The area also had six machine gun nests and four Tobruks all capable of pouring hot lead onto the beaches. Accompanying the Canadian 7th Brigade's was Regina Rifles who landed here to take the village. They were ably supported by the Canadian 6th Armoured Regiment with fourteen of their nineteen DD tanks making the 2,000 yard swim to the beach. These immediately set about attacking the gun emplacements as the Regina Rifles stormed ashore. The tanks provided much needed covering fire as the Canadians charged through the breaking surf and across the exposed sand to find whatever cover they could manage.

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