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D-Day: Commonwealth Sectors

Grand Bunker
Location Pin Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandie

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D-Day: Commonwealth Sectors

25. Grand Bunker
Location Pin Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandie

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Many surprises were to befall the allied troops as they fought their way off the beaches on D-Day and the Grand Bunker was one of these. Its massive bulk had not been identified as anything of significance by reconnaissance flights. However, here, in a formidable bunker, behind strong defences and with excellent vantage points from the 55 foot high roof, the Germans could fire and throw grenades at the British and French troops below. For three days the allies simply decided to ignore the bunker and bypassed it. Until on the 9th June, Lieutenant Bob Orrell of the 91st Field Company Royal Engineers managed to place explosive charges against the armoured, steel door. When the tower was finally taken 2 officers and 50 men were captured. Opened in 1987, the old command centre has now been restored and houses the Musee du Mur de l'Atlantique. Visitors can walk around the themed rooms and see exhibitions detailing the Atlantic Wall and the part the Grand Bunker played.

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