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D-Day: Commonwealth Sectors

Juno Beach
Location Pin Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandie

Wavy Line

D-Day: Commonwealth Sectors

37. Juno Beach
Location Pin Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandie

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Elements of the Canadian army made their wet arrival in Normandy at the designated points Mike and Nan on Juno Beach, between the towns of La Riviere and St Aubin. The defences faced by the Canadians were not as fierce as other sectors as the natural terrain and hidden reefs were thought to be sufficient deterrent. Bombardment and aerial attacks were hoped to soften up the targets and beach defences for the landing parties. The right flank, sector Mike is where the Royal Winnipeg Rifles, the Regina Rifles and the Canadian Scottish Regiment all landed. Crossing the beach in sector Nan are the Queens Own Rifles of Canada, the Free French Regiment of Chaudiere and the North Shore Regiment. The former troops are to land west of Courseulles, while the troops in Nan sector are pitched against the defences at Bernieres and St Aubin. Armoured support would be provided by the tanks of the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade and from here they would strike out across country towards Caen and the nearby Carpiquet Airfield. There was however, strong resistance from the German soldiers of the 716th Infantry Division and by the end of June 6th the Canadians would land 15,000 men. Though they would lose 946 of their own in the desperate fight to take the towns along the shoreline. Over 3,200 vehicles and 2,500 tons of equipment and supplies to support the troops were also successfully unloaded and the beaches made safe by nightfall.

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