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Panther Paintball
Location Pin Downey, BC

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12. Panther Paintball
Location Pin Downey, BC

Wavy Line
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Dean is trapped in purgatory after killing the head Leviathan, Dick. While he’s there he’s fighting to survive every monster that comes at him. Out of the blue comes Benny who saves Dean from being chomped on by another vampire. After he does the two circle each other warily. Benny then starts talking to Dean. Telling him he knows a way out of Purgatory so Dean can escape. At first, Dean doesn’t believe him. Insisting the vampire is lying to him. Benny only smirks and tells Dean the portal out of Purgatory is for humans only. Dean questions the vampire about why he wishes to help him. They discuss the matter for a minute Benny finally tells Dean the real reason why he wants to help him escape Purgatory. “It’s a human portal, jackass. Only humans can pass through. I show you the door, you hop my soul to the other side.” Benny explains to Dean. “So you’re looking for a soul train?” Dean asks him hardly believe what he’s hearing from the vampire. Panther Paintball boasts of having over 57 acres of lands for people to play paintball in. In 1988 over some drinks some co-workers were discussing playing “War Games” that were sweeping across North America at the time. Some phone calls were made, and two weeks later the co-workers were out in Fort Langley playing their “War Games”. Oil based paintballs were used during this first time venturing into paint-balling. After the four hour battle the co-workers were hooked, and were back in the field two weeks later to continue the game. After being in the field one of the co-workers decided to look into buying equipment to help him play the game better. He managed to get a couple of rusted 007 markers from an army surplus store. He took the guns home and fixed them up to be used for paintball. He glues a piece of PVC pipe onto it along with a Dremel tool that would serve as the pump. These became the first “paintball guns” to ever be made. The maker of these early guns still has a scar from the Dremel tool he had to use to this day. As the years went by paintball guns and better paintball equipment was made. In 1989 Panther Paintball formed officially, and has been opened ever since. They’re also the leading innovators in paintball technology and in the business. They were the first ones to venture into Airsoft fields and allowing people to play on their anchorage. They were also one of the first people to offer Airsoft Rentals to players. Currently, Panther Paintball has also made a major change to its business. When players come to play paintball they are only charged for how much they use rather than one solid fee to cover everything.

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