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The Fountainhead Pub
Location Pin Downey, BC

Wavy Line


22. The Fountainhead Pub
Location Pin Downey, BC

Wavy Line
Wavy Line

Jack Montgomery goes out to drink to try and escape his urges for wanting to eat human flesh. He is sitting at the bar furiously eating peanuts until they’re all gone. When the camera pulls back there are empty bowls scattered around him. He can’t help but think of blood rushing through veins as he continues to fight his Rugaru monster nature. Just as he’s staring at himself across the bar he hears a man, middle aged man harassing a beautiful woman at the end of the bar. They exchange a few words with Jack telling the man to leave the woman alone. After a couple of insults Jack gets up and to the end of the bar to confront the man. “You really wanna do this, guy?” The fat man asks. Jack just gives the man a knowing look with a smirk on his face. “You know, I really think I do.” Jack tells the guy. When the fat man goes to punch him Jack catches the man’s hand in mid-air. There’s a loud cracking sound as he bends the man’s fist so far back it breaks the bone. The Fountainhead Pub itself that was used to film this scene has been open since 2000. “The Head” is the gateway to Vancouver’s Davie Village area. The Fountainhead Pub also claims to be the cornerstone of the vibrant West End of Vancouver. This fact is probably true. [Photo credit: Brian Harris/Public Domain and www.supernatural.wikia.com]

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