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Historic Monterey

Alvarado Adobe
Location Pin Monterey, CA

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Historic Monterey

21. Alvarado Adobe
Location Pin Monterey, CA

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The Alvarado Adobe is one of the oldest buildings in Monterey. Juan Bautista Alvarado, a direct descendant of Captain Cortez, built the house in 1831 for his mistress “Raymunda” with whom he had two children he recognized but perhaps many more. While Alvarado was Monterey’s first native son to achieve the title of Governor of Alta (or upper) California, his rise to power was fraught with turmoil. He was arrested several times and his governorship was interrupted in 1837 due to the tumultuous political triangle between Upper California, Lower California, and the Mexican Government. Alvarado was quite the controversial figure. In 1839 he married Dona Martina Castro, purportedly after Raymunda refused to marry him because of his excessive drinking. Alvarado held several properties and after the Mexican-American War he was offered the governorship again. But he refused, instead retiring to his wife’s estate in San Pablo. The three room house is typical for domiciles of the period, with a tulereed roof and rooms that open directly to the outdoors, facing east to take advantage of the morning sun. The adobe walls are 24 inches thick and secured with adobe mud mortar set on a stout chalk rock foundation. In 1843 Portuguese trader Manuel Dutra purchased the house. The street that Alvarado Adobe sits on still carries Dutra’s name. The Dutra family sold the house in 1946 and it is now owned by Monterey Historic Park, which rents the house out as a private residence. So please, be respectful.

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