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Historic Monterey

Casa Pacheco
Location Pin Monterey, CA

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Historic Monterey

20. Casa Pacheco
Location Pin Monterey, CA

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This adobe home is located on the corner of Abrego and Webster, and built by Don Francisco Pacheco in 1840. Don Francisco Pacheco was part of a family of rancheros, whose family's land extended all out way out to Pacheco pass. In 1844 Don Francisco Pacheco was captain of defensores, and in 1846 became a tithe collector. The building was restored in 1929, and has changed over the years to suit the needs of the various groups and people who have used it. It has been a doctor's office, a hospital, and a boarding house. During restoration and since, changes to the building have included moving the entrance from Webster Street to Abrego, and changing the facade of the building and removing the characteristic veranda that once adorned the entrance. Since 1957, the Casa Pacheco has been the home of the Pacheco Club, a leisure and athletic club. A few of the club's members have actually been born in Casa Pacheco when it was a hospital. Check out the historic photos on this app to see the drastic changes that have been made to this building. Content Provided By: Historic Monterey

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