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Historic Monterey

Cooper-Molera Adobe
Location Pin Monterey, CA

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Historic Monterey

23. Cooper-Molera Adobe
Location Pin Monterey, CA

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The Cooper-Molera Adobe tells the story of the Cooper family, who built the structure over three generations. John Rogers Cooper, a New Englander who immigrated to California and married into the prominent Mexican family Moleras, began construction. Cooper, a ship's captain, traveled extensively, trading in hides, tallow, general merchandise and sea otter pelts. His descendants continued to build on the three-acre site until 1900, and the house—fully restored in the 1980s—contains many fine furnishings assembled by the families. The grounds of Cooper-Molera Adobe are unique in that almost two acres are available for exploration. Behind adobe walls one can find barns, vegetable and fruit gardens, farm animals, and a visitor center. The National Trust for Historic Preservation owns the property. Content Provided By: Historic Monterey

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