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Historic Monterey

Duarte's Store
Location Pin Monterey, CA

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Historic Monterey

4. Duarte's Store
Location Pin Monterey, CA

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Rosario Duarte, the most likely builder of the store he certainly operated from the building around 1865, was a careful builder. The one-story wood-framed structure was constructed of redwood with horizontal drop siding also of wood, and originally stood at 120 Main Street in Monterey. It was durable enough to withstand a move to its current location (the traffic-free mall end of Olivier Street), with its commercial façade — complete with a pediment, stepped gable and wood cornice, and multi-pane display windows below — intact. Originally a general merchandise store, Duarte's building has in more recent years been converted to restaurant use. In the 1970s, a series of three double-hung sash windows were added to the southern (side) elevation. In the 1980s it was known as Triples; it is now leased to Indian Summer. Content Provided By: Historic Monterey

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