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Music City; Nashville, TN

The 5 Spot
Location Pin Nashville, TN

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Music City; Nashville, TN

23. The 5 Spot
Location Pin Nashville, TN

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Finally, if you're looking for something a little more off the beaten Broadway track, then the 5 Spot is the only main music venue in East Nashville. Owing to its location, it does require a short trip in itself, but the cab ride from Downtown takes just a couple of minutes, so if you're a true music fan then you won't let that stop you visiting this well known little haunt. Additionally, if you're looking around for a great midweek venue, then every Tuesday, the 5 Spot holds its infamous $2 Tuesday, when the cover charge is $2, as is any pint of any of its local Yazoo beers. So although many downtown venues are free to enter, in reality, this is no different - what you pay on the door, you save right back on your first drink.The bar is all geared towards the live stage and the night is hosted by compere, Derek Hoke, who personally chooses the night's line-up of musicians and bands himself. The list is not revealed beforehand, so you have to show up to find out who's playing. There is a mix of locals, students and well known names and a good blend of styles and talent. The bar gets busy as the night progresses, but most people are there to see the music so it's not especially noisy in the crowd, with many folk simply standing around, having a beer and watching the performances on stage. It's a recommended experience - the night runs late and is a firm fixture in many a music fan's calendar.These are just a selection of the huge variety of the many bars, dives and other venues located in the short distance between midtown, downtown and East Nashville. Whether you're a first time tourist to the city or a regular visitor, you are always guaranteed to find a new experience, from a up and coming band to a great value dining or drinking offer to suit your tastes. And whatever your taste in music, one thing is for sure - you will not be short of choice on a night out in Music City.

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