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Mad Men Tour of Midtown Manhattan

New York Athletic Club
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Mad Men Tour of Midtown Manhattan

15. New York Athletic Club
Location Pin New York, NY

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These days, when New Yorkers want to find a place to exercise, the choices are vast. There are countless large chain gyms, independent gyms, residential buildings with fitness centers, bicycles for rent every few blocks, and the myriad exercise options available in places like Central Park and Riverside Park. However, in the 1960s, you were not too likely to find joggers in sweatpants making their way through the sidewalks of Manhattan or doing laps around the Reservoir in Central Park. This could have been unfortunate for Don Draper in the fourth season of "Mad Men," when the SCDP creative director was making an attempt to cut down on drinking and lead a healthier lifestyle. For somebody less well to do, the 60s did not offer nearly as much in the way in organized exercise options, as the fitness craze of the 70s was yet to occur. Fortunately, for somebody in Don Draper's social strata the New York Athletic Club had been in operation since 1868. While 1960s New York did not have as many fitness options as New Yorkers enjoy today, the 1860s had even scantier selection. In 1866, a small group of fitness enthusiasts opened a gym in their 14th Street apartment, with the intention of expanding the options for organized sports in the area. This project eventually evolved into the New York Athletic Club in 1868. By the time this 24 story building went up on Central Park South in the early 1900s, the NYAC was a prestigious organization that could afford to build one of the most elegant exercise facilities in the city, including the swimming pool we see Don using in season 4 episode "The Summer Man.' The pilot episode for "Mad Men" was actually shot here in New York, but after the that the series production has taken place mostly in Los Angeles. However, in "The Summer Man" Don walks out of a reasonable facsimile of the exterior of the NYAC building and continues down Central Park South while the Rolling Stones' "Satisfaction" blares on the soundtrack. [Photo credit: Noah Axelrod]

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