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Mad Men Tour of Midtown Manhattan

Sherry-Netherland Hotel
Location Pin New York, NY

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Mad Men Tour of Midtown Manhattan

13. Sherry-Netherland Hotel
Location Pin New York, NY

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The characters in "Mad Men" spend quite a bit of time in hotels, and for the most part they can afford some of the lavish, world famous hotels in Midtown, or close by. When the Sherry-Netherland opened in 1927, most of the suites contained with the hotel's 38 stories were designated as residences for executives and other well to do New Yorkers who wanted a home in the city in addition to their nearby estates in Connecticut or Long Island. It is still the case today that most of the Sherry-Netherland is residential, with many of the property units designed initially as apartments before being converted into coops in the 1950s. Opulence has always been the goal of the Sherry-Netherland, with stately Renaissance architecture incorporating Gothic elements, magnificent lobby, colossal marble bathrooms, elevator attendants, hand painted room numbers, and enough luxurious amenities to put other five star hotels to shame. In 2012, a seven bedroom coop which takes up the entire 18th floor of the Sherry-Netherland was listed for 95 million. In the season two "Mad Men" episode "The Jet Set," Roger and Jane are shown in one of the hotel's rooms at the start of their burgeoning relationship. The only indication that they are indeed at the Sherry-Netherland is Jane's mention of the name in a poem she is writing. However, she does not mention whether they are in a standard hotel room or, just as likely, a second home that Roger keeps in the hotel. The Sherry-Netherland makes another appearance during season six of "Mad Men" in the episode "Man With a Plan," when a room in the hotel becomes the site of a complicated turn in the relationship between Don and his neighbor Sylvia. Within the show, there was seven years between the time between Roger and Don's Sherry-Netherland subplots, but the hotel remained, and remains, a go-to spot for New Yorkers and out of towners who can afford it. [Photo credit: Jim Henderson/Public domain]

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