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New York Ghosts

Bridge Cafe
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New York Ghosts

14. Bridge Cafe
Location Pin New York, NY

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279 Water Street New York, NY 10038 Once a former brothel, the Bridge Cafe is said to be the oldest tavern in New York City. The establishment opened in 1794, and in addition to a brothel, has served as a pirate bar, a saloon, and several types of restaurants. It gained its current owners and name in 1979. Considering its rather interesting past, it's no surprise it's rumored to be haunted. There's been so many ghostly stories to come from the location that they even have a "Ghost Stories" section on their website. The most talked about ghost said to haunt the Bridge Cafe is Ms. Gallus Mag, a 6-foot tall Irish bouncer in the 19th century who wasn't a fan of rowdy patrons. Stories say that, before tossing out some unwanted customers, she would rip off their ear and put it in a jar behind the bar. There have been reports of footsteps when no one is around, unexplained shadows, and the feeling as if you're being watched when it seems as if you're all alone. Make sure to behave at Bridge Cafe, or you could find yourself getting roughed up by Ms. Mag herself.

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