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New York Ghosts

Kings Park Psychiatric Center
Location Pin New York, NY

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New York Ghosts

38. Kings Park Psychiatric Center
Location Pin New York, NY

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W 4th St Kings Park, NY 11754 Once a home for the mentally ill, Kings Park Psychiatric Center now sits abandoned, dilapidated, and taken over by Mother Nature and ghosts. It opened its doors in 1885 and started out with only 45 patients. A decade later, the State of New York took over the facility, and by 1900, there were almost 3,000 patients staying at the facility. That number skyrocketed by the mid 1900s as there were a little more than 9,000. Eventually, due to the high cost of running the facility coupled with the introduction of better treatment options, Kings Park Psychiatric Center closed down in 1996, but that doesn't mean the building still doesn't have patients. Many say they hear strange noises including screams and moans, experience cold spots, hear conversations and whispers when no one else is in the room, and have a feeling as if they're being watched and followed. Apparitions have also been spotted. Could it be that some trapped souls still remain at Kings Park Psychiatric Center? Photo Credit: Doug Kerr http://www.flickr.com/photos/dougtone/4339496362/sizes/o/in/photostream/

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