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New York Ghosts

Morris-Jumel Mansion
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New York Ghosts

24. Morris-Jumel Mansion
Location Pin New York, NY

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65 Jumel Terrace New York, NY 10032 You may have never heard of the Morris-Jumel Mansion, but it's rumored to be the oldest haunted house in New York City. It was built by Roger Morris in 1765 as a home for him and his wife, Mary Philipse Morris, and was once even the headquarters of George Washington. Eliza Jumel and her husband, Stephen, lived there in 1810, but rumors were that Eliza was having a scandalous affair with Aaron Burr. In 1832, Stephen had an unfortunate run-in with a pitchfork and died, but there was talk over the years that his wife may have had something to do with it. Eliza quickly married not long after his death, but they separated over greed and money matters only four months into their marriage. She sued for divorce eight months later, and was granted one on the day of his death on September 14, 1836. Eliza later died in 1865 after becoming a recluse and battling dementia. She allegedly stopped taking care of herself physically, and broke down mentally to the point that she was known to babble excessively. A medium reportedly contacted Stephen, who said that he was not only killed, but was also buried alive by Eliza. The city turned the mansion into a museum in 1904, and when a group of schoolchildren were touring the property in 1964, Eliza's ghost allegedly appeared to them wearing a violet dress and told them to "Shut up!" It's one of the most well known ghostly happenings at the Morris-Jumel Mansion to date. Her ghost is just one of five that are said to haunt the former home. Tour the Morris-Jumel Mansion and you may be lucky enough to have a few words with Eliza yourself. Photo Credit: The Morris-Jumel Mansion

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