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New York Ghosts

Most Holy Trinity Church
Location Pin New York, NY

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New York Ghosts

7. Most Holy Trinity Church
Location Pin New York, NY

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Most Holy Trinity Church, located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, was built between 1882 and 1885. While some may wonder how a church comes to be haunted, it actually has quite the history that could explain it, and it started right from the beginning. The fact that it's located on a site that used to be a cemetery from 1841 to 1853 may have something to do with it. Rumors state that not all the bodies were removed during construction. The first two pastors of the church are also buried in a crypt under the church. Reports of ghostly happenings take place across the property, especially in the school. Some have reported cold spots, the gym's lights going on and off, and voices as well as footsteps heard throughout the building when no one is there. There's also the feeling as if someone is there with you, but when you turn around, the place is empty. Dogs have also gone into trances as they stared at seemingly nothing on the stairs, and church bells are said to ring without anyone initiating it. Monsignor Michael May, the church's second pastor, actually died in his room on the property in 1895, and while guests stay there temporarily, no one will stay there long term. Guests who sleep there hear footsteps in the room. As if the aforementioned wasn't enough, George Stel, a parish sexton and bell ringer, was killed in August 1897 in the vestibule of the church. The crime was never solved, and some believe he is still out for justice. Lastly, several parishioners mysteriously died while in the church. A series of spooky passageways wind their way under Most Holy Trinity Church, which covers an entire city block. Only priests are allowed, but we're guessing they don't go down there very often.

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