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New York Ghosts

New York University
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New York Ghosts

23. New York University
Location Pin New York, NY

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70 Washington Square S New York, NY 10012 Classes first started at New York University back in 1831, and over the years, talk has developed about ghosts causing some trouble around campus. Brittany Hall, rumored to be one of the most haunted buildings on campus, is the freshman doom located on 10th Street. It was built in 1929, and is allegedly haunted by a little girl named Molly who fell down an elevator shaft and died while the building was being constructed. The Brown Building is also reported to be very haunted, and it likely has to do with the tragic events that took place there on March 25, 1911. The top three floors were the site of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911 where 146 workers of the blouse manufacturer died. The cause of the inferno was a cigarette, and sadly, a series of happenings caused the situation to be much worse and caused many more people, especially young girls, to lose their lives. The fire truck ladders weren't tall enough to reach the floors, the fire escape exit doors were locked, and inside fire hoses weren't working properly. It was an event that spurred advocacy for worker's rights. Many of the victims died from smoke inhalation, were burned, got stuck in elevator shafts, and jumped to their death. There have also been several suicides to happen at NYU. In 2003, barriers were installed at Bobst Library after two students jumped to their deaths within a month of each other. In 2009, the barriers didn't stop another student from committing suicide. After the incident, gold screens were installed. Over the years, there have been reported ghostly sightings, doors opening and closing on their own, phantom footsteps, and unexplained noises and happenings. There are many who have had strange experiences, some of which have even turned the doubters into believers. With all the tragedies that have taken place over the years, it's no surprise that NYU would be haunted. Whether you're walking around campus or studying in the library, keep an eye out. You may be walking alongside someone who died long ago. Photo Credit: Kheel Center http://www.flickr.com/photos/kheelcenter/5279752692/

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