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New York Ghosts

Palace Theater
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New York Ghosts

5. Palace Theater
Location Pin New York, NY

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Palace Theater 1564 Broadway New York, NY 10036 The Palace Theater opened in 1913, and has since become one of the most beloved theaters in NYC. It started out as a vaudeville theater, but in 1965, it was turned into a full-fledged theater by The Nederlanders. Big names such as Judy Garland, Bette Midler, Diana Ross, Harry Houdini, and Jerry Lewis have graced the stage over the years. However, some ghostly apparitions may be taking the stage, sitting in the seats, and walking the halls as well. In the 1950s, an acrobatic high wire team - known as "The Four Casting Pearls" - was performing when their tight-rope walker, Louis Borsalino, who was working without a net, slipped and fell onto the floor and to his untimely death due to a broken neck. Stories say that Borsalino can be seen on some nights still performing his routine and falling to his death. Rumor has it if you see this ghost, you'll die yourself not long after. While Borsalino is the most talked about ghost at this location, The Palace Theater is believed to have over 100 ghosts haunting it - the most out of any other NYC locale. Some of the ghosts said to haunt the building include a musician in a white gown, a little girl in a balcony, a manager who killed himself, and legend Judy Garland. Attend a performance at The Palace Theater and you may just run into a ghostly apparition yourself.

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