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Sex and the City

Location Pin New York, NY

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Sex and the City

15. Chelsea
Location Pin New York, NY

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Carrie and John's rehearsal dinner is shot at Buddakan, a modern Asian restaurant in Chelsea. The scene where Miranda analyzes the pros and cons of being with Steve was also filmed in Chelsea, at the now closed restaurant Nicole Farhi's 202. Chelsea is yet another New York neighborhood which is fun and lively, yet also residential. It started in 1750 when retired British Major Thomas Clarke bought an estate and Georgian-style farmhouse which he named "Chelsea" after Chelsea manor in London. His daughter and grandson, who both inherited the land, developed it further. Clarke's grandson, Clement Clarke Moore, began selling parcels of the land, specifying what they could and couldn't build there. After some unrest among the immigrant population, Chelsea emerged as the theater capital of the country. Today, Chelsea hosts entertainment, art, tons of ethnically diverse restaurants like Buddakan, shops, and a large gay population, all which give the neighborhood its distinct flavor. Buddakan's website says its dress code is "downtown chic, fun, hip."

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