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Rome: Apostles and Martyrs

Location Pin Roma, Lazio

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Rome: Apostles and Martyrs

Location Pin Roma, Lazio

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After the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the apostles spent their time traveling southern Europe and the Middle East spreading his message. At least four of the apostles journeys brought them to Rome, where three would suffer untimely ends. At the time, Rome was the center of power and luxury, with an abundance of wealth, self indulgence, and glorious spectacles. The circuses were full of bloody shows and tales of battles where hundreds of criminals were killed for fun. These would feature pitched sea warfare, wild beasts tearing innocent people apart, and public execution. Nero was the Emperor of Rome who started an era of widespread, state sanctioned Christian persecution that lasted nearly 300 years when he blamed Christians for the Great Fire of Rome in the year 64. This was a period of great change and paranoia, and the Christian practice of private worship and one god were considered unnatural. Christian behavior was in direct contrast to the Romans very public displays towards their many deities. This led to the death of countless Christians. Some were willing martyrs, and others were killed simply for public entertainment. Consequently, Christianity was commonly practiced in secret, aided by the construction of miles of underground caverns and passageways that allowed believers to worship in secret.

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