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Rome: Apostles and Martyrs

St Paul's Basilica
Location Pin Roma, Lazio

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Rome: Apostles and Martyrs

2. St Paul's Basilica
Location Pin Roma, Lazio

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The Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls is one of the four ancient cathedrals of Rome, along with St John Lateran, St Peter's and St Mary Major. This small parcel of land, owned by a woman named Lucina, was the site of St Paul's burial and where St Paul's followers first erected a small, stone memorial. Some 300 years later. the simple building was expanded upon and by 386, an even larger and more decorative basilica was constructed on the site. Around 400 AD, prominent poet Prudentius described the cathedral on the road to Rome's ancient port of Ostia as having a "Golden Dome", being roofed with gilded bronze tiles. The interior was known to contain beautiful frescoes and fabulous mosaics; there were also a collection of carved medallions that depicted the early popes. During its lifetime, the basilica has suffered Saracen pirate raids, Lombardian attacks, was ravaged by fire, and shaken by earthquakes. Despite history, its ancient glory remained much the same for nearly 1,500 years, with the exception of minor repairs and paintings. Until the fire on 15th of July, 1823, started when an irresponsible workman fixing the lead roof caused a fire in the rafters, dramatically damaging much of the beautiful building. Work commenced immediately to rebuild the cathedral in the original style as much as was possible. The basilica re-opened for worship in 1840. There was a lot of criticism at the time for the wholesale destruction of medieval frescoes, architectural features and the bell tower. However, fire damage had made certain areas unsafe, and the technology for successfully saving the artwork did not exist. In 2006, at the site of the old cemetery, a sarcophagus, dated to at least 390, was unearthed with the inscription "Paolo Apostolo Mart" Experts believe that it still contains the early remains of St Paul. There are three holes in the lid of the coffin where things could be lowered inside and touch the saint's body, instantly transforming them into holy relics. Photo credit: eamathis

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