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Rome: Apostles and Martyrs

Three Fountain Abbey
Location Pin Roma, Lazio

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Rome: Apostles and Martyrs

1. Three Fountain Abbey
Location Pin Roma, Lazio

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Paul traveled far and wide preaching in many countries around Europe and Asia, finally settling in Rome where he set about building the Christian church. Many of his writings were completed while he was in Rome, and he often spoke in the synagogues and temples of the city. After a time, held captive in the dreaded depths of the Mamertine Prison, Nero decided in the year 67 to sign Paul's death warrant. Paul was brought to the site of the Three Fountains Abbey. Paul, being a Roman citizen, was executed by the quicker and more humane beheading, instead of the prolonged agony of crucifixion suffered by many other Christians. When the executioner's sword cleaved Paul's head from his body, it is said to have bounced three times before coming to rest. At the points where his head landed, there bubbled up the waters of three fountains and it is here that believers erected an abbey in his memory. As Paul was brought to the site of his execution, he spoke to a young girl and asked if he could have her veil to wrap around his head. She agreed, and followed Paul's instructions not to stay and bear witness the spectacle. Some time later, the girl met the executioner and asked him what had happened to Paul. "He lies where I left him", the executioner replied, his head wrapped in your veil. The young girl told the executioner that she didn't believe him, having just seen Paul, along with Peter, walking down the road, dressed in princely finery. In fact, Paul had just returned her clean veil. The site comprises three churches. The first is St Paul at the Three Fountains. The three fountains were sealed in the 1950s due to pollution that made it dangerous to drink the water. There is also a column inside the church, claimed to have been the post where St Paul was tied when he was beheaded, but scientists believe that the actual column is an older column from a nearby Roman ruin. The second, Our Lady of Martyrs, is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Zeno, who along with 10,203, were killed for theirnChristian beliefs in 299. The third encompasses the church and monastery built for the Benedictine Order in 626 and is dedicated to the Saints Vincent and Anastasius. The Monastery is now run by the Cistercian Order and known for its lamb's wool used in the manufacture of garments for the Archbishops of Rome. Photo credit: Jimforest

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