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San Francisco Ghosts

Fairmont Hotel
Location Pin San Francisco, CA

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San Francisco Ghosts

8. Fairmont Hotel
Location Pin San Francisco, CA

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Another hotel in the prestigious Nob Hill neighborhood, actually sits atop Nob Hill. The Fairmont Hotel was near completion when the earthquake hit in 1906. The building was spared the destruction of the quake as well as the fury of the fires that followed. The opening was then delayed until later in 1907. The Hotel was built by two sisters in honor of their father, the same man who built the Mary Lake Girl's School, now the Queen Anne's Inn, silver magnate and senator, James Fair. The hotel has played hosts to celebrities and politicians throughout its history. It has changed ownership several times and undergone several renovations and additions. The hotel is known for its elegance and high priced rooms, making it one of the most expensive hotels in the San Francisco area. The grandness and the history of the hotel makes it the perfect place for ghost stories. It is said that after construction resumed after the great earthquake the area was cursed, as there were several accidents that lead to the deaths of those working on the building. However, it is not the souls of these people who haunt the building to this day. It is said that the daughters of James Fair roam the halls today, checking on guest and making sure everything is in place. There have been reports of a light caress on ones cheek while sleeping in the rooms. There have also been stories of a prostitute, who was supposedly murdered in the hotel. She is still dressed in her red teddy and chats with guests while sitting on her bed. Another ghost story involves a group of soldiers from World War II. The soldiers roam the seventh floor, the same floor where they stayed while visiting the hotel during the war. The various guests of the hotel compliment the various ghostly stories. There have been multiple appearances of the hotel in several Hollywood films including The Rock starring Sean Connery, and Alfred Hitchcock's classic, Vertigo.

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