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San Francisco Ghosts

Hotel Majestic
Location Pin San Francisco, CA

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San Francisco Ghosts

6. Hotel Majestic
Location Pin San Francisco, CA

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The next stop on our list is another hotel. Built in 1902 by the Schmitt Family, The Hotel Majestic is the oldest continually operated hotel in San Francisco. The hotel survived the 1906 earthquake where subsequent fires destroyed much of the city. The fires, thankfully, stopped just a couple of blocks from where the hotel stands. The Schmitts had a son, Milton, who became involved in politics and also had two daughters of his own. A portrait of one of his daughters still hangs in the hotel's lobby today, and it is said that the girl never wanted to leave the hotel, becoming very upset when the family moved. Many suspect the girl never did leave the hotel and roams the halls of the fourth floor to this day. Room 407 was the girl's room when the family lived in the hotel in the beginning of the twentieth century. Many guests of the hotel, as well as some employees, have reported strange occurrences. For instances, the claw bathtubs that help create the atmosphere of elegance in the rooms throughout the hotel have mysteriously filled with water. Other visitors have reported hearing keys clinking together late at night, or have heard footsteps when nobody was near. After checking on the noises with the hotel staff, no conclusions could be made. Many people liken the events to the actions of a playful little girl, the daughter of Milton Schmitt. Imagine a little girl not wanting to leave her home, so she plays games, filling bathtubs, and being a nuisance to those who are invading her bedroom. However, there have been instances that have not been linked to the playful little girl. On one occasion there was a report of a person going to bed and then being startled awake by their bed shaking violently. They thought it was an earthquake, but when they asked the front desk there was no reported earthquakes anywhere in the area. The hotel is well known in San Francisco for being haunted, and the hotel itself does not deny the possibility. On the website they relate the history of the hotel and even mention Lisa, the daughter of Milton Schmitt as the mischievous little girl who haunts room 407.

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