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St. Louis Ghost Tour

Bel-Nor House
Location Pin St. Louis, MO

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St. Louis Ghost Tour

3. Bel-Nor House
Location Pin St. Louis, MO

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The Bel-Nor House is argueable another site of the 1949 St. Louis exorcism. Paranormal historians allege that the exorcism attempts began at a bedroom in the home. After a week of unsuccessful attempts to remove the demon from an unidentified 13-year-old boy, Jesuit priests moved the exorcism to the Alexian Brothers Hospital. The home has been sold multiple times and lived in by several families, most of which report that the home has had no mysterious occurrences or uncomfortable vibes. Some neighbors, interviewed regularly by media around Halloween, have indicated they don’t believe in the St. Louis exorcism legend, while others with more superstitious personalities prefer to avoid the home altogether. Photo courtesy Google Maps.

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