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St. Louis Ghost Tour

Bellefontaine Cemetery
Location Pin St. Louis, MO

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St. Louis Ghost Tour

13. Bellefontaine Cemetery
Location Pin St. Louis, MO

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The Bellefontaine Cemetery could be considered a morbid art museum. The final resting place for many St. Louis residents is known for it’s beautiful monuments and sculptures. But, the cemetery is known for it’s mobile inhabitants, too. Like the common tale of a girl looking for a ride, Hitchhiking Annie has come to be known at Bellefontaine Cemetery. The young woman, who is said to have pale skin and deep brown hair, often flags down drivers for a ride near the cemetery. Helpful drivers let her in and strike up lively conversation, but before completely passing the cemetery’s grounds, Annie disappears from the car without warning. Annie is said to bounce between this and other cemeteries in the area, though she catches rides most at Bellefontaine Cemetery. Annie’s not the only ghost to cause traffic problems. Drivers in the area have often explained accidents or swerves in the road on a young boy dressed in 1800s-style clothing. After drivers avoid colliding with the child, they look back, unable to find him. And, a woman wearing a black veil and Victorian-era clothing often causes traffic backups as she enters the roadway, only to disappear soon after. Many believe the woman is stuck in time, mourning the death of a loved one. Her crossings from the cemetery indicate she is leaving a funeral, only to be stuck in that devastating moment for all of eternity. While many of the spirits near Bellefontaine seem to be wandering, others choose to stay in the cemetery. Visitors have reported sightings of spirits bedecked in old-fashioned clothing, walking through the marble entombments and statues. And, close to nightfall, some cemetery visitors report uncomfortable feelings of being watched by the cold stone eyes of the beautifully carved sculptures. Photo courtesy Robert Lawton.

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