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St. Louis Ghost Tour

Fort Bellefontaine
Location Pin St. Louis, MO

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St. Louis Ghost Tour

12. Fort Bellefontaine
Location Pin St. Louis, MO

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An unexplainable red smoke creates shudders for visitors to Fort Bellefontaine. The former military post and its supernatural phenomena have been intriguing soldiers and civilians since it became the first military fort of the western United States in 1805. The fort was used during the War of 1812, but its activity lessened after the war. Because the site was flood-prone, the fort fell into disrepair. While it was continuously used through the 1820s, Fort Bellefontaine sat empty until 1904. After the turn of the century, the fort was abandoned, and soldiers buried at the location were exhumed and moved to Jefferson Barracks Cemetery. While there are no particular tales that explain ghostly hauntings, a mysterious red smoke appears on a former grand staircase, of which ruins remain. Scientists have never been able to determine what causes the smoke, and many visitors capture it in their photographs, some not seeing it until after they’ve left the site. Photographers who have attempted to edit out the thick smoke report it cannot be removed from the images. Many visitors to the modern day park now report feeling uncomfortable or seeing shadows and apparitions that cannot be explained. Others say mysterious lighted orbs can be seen before dusk when the fort closes. Photo courtesy Kbh3rd on Wikipedia Creative Commons.

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