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St. Louis Ghost Tour

Gehm House
Location Pin St. Louis, MO

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St. Louis Ghost Tour

9. Gehm House
Location Pin St. Louis, MO

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Many families have simultaneously shared the Gehm House, and many of them have decided to leave the home for irreconcilable differences. That’s because the family living in the attic, which once lived throughout the home, can neither be seen nor gotten along with. The Gehm House was built in 1890 for Henry Gehm, a reclusive German Immigrant who died in the home 60 years later. Years after Gehm’s death, the Furry family purchased the home, and moved their family in. Mrs. Furry soon after noticed strange noises throughout the house, and reported being shaken awake at 2 a.m. each morning. Though each time she would awaken, no living individual that roused her was present. The Furry children began telling their parents tales of a woman wearing black who wandered the house, threatening to spank them with a broom. Sometimes, she’d swat the children, though they reported that the beatings did not hurt. After years of living with strange occurrences, the Furry’s sold the home to the Walsh family, who nearly instantly reported a shadowy family residing in the home with them. While the Furry’s were able to live somewhat peacefully with the Gehms, the Walshes spent little time in the home before fleeing. The figure of a young girl appeared in the attic, leaving behind toys and handprints as evidence of her existence. Henry Gehm also presented himself to the family. Items from around the home began to disappear (never again to be seen) and frightening apparitions encouraged the family to find a new residence. Legend has it that the Walsh family was so traumatized from their unwanted housemates that the family purchased a brand-new home that was verified to have had no previous occupants. Occupants of the Gehm house have been tight-lipped on the exact location of the home, though local lore narrows in on the street. The brick and wooden home has always been noted to stand on the 300 Block of Plant Avenue, with Big Bend Boulevard to the south and Portland Terrace road to the north. Photo courtesy Google Maps.

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