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St. Louis Ghost Tour

Jefferson Barracks
Location Pin St. Louis, MO

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St. Louis Ghost Tour

7. Jefferson Barracks
Location Pin St. Louis, MO

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In a city with old history, it’s no surprise that a few military ghosts would exist, too. Jefferson Barracks, a military post established prior to the Civil War, has been a location for ghost sightings both new and old. While present-day visitors report seeing apparitions at the post, they’re not alone; during the Civil War, soldiers often told tales of “spooks” they’d encounter during late-night patrols. Several ghosts have supposedly taken refuge along the post’s numerous buildings. In Building 1, a Confederate Civil War leader, who has yet to learn the war is lost, can be seen writing reports and planning strategic moves by the dim of a candle. In the nearby barracks, a ghostly brigade leader can be heard barking orders at his troops. Soldiers hurrying to attention can be heard flushing the toilets before running down the hallway, even though there are no restrooms in the entire building. Many of the Jefferson Barracks spirits appear to be stuck in service, including one who continues to work his guard shifts from beyond the grave. The Powder Magazine, a building specifically used for ammunition and supply storage through the 1940s, remains guarded. Soldiers on duty through World War II reported being approached by a former soldier who berates their work abilities. It’s possible that the poor soul has no idea that his service has ended, but to those who recall a bubbling bullet hole in his head, it’s clear that his time is up. Photo courtesy Clarinetguy097 on Flickr.

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