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St. Louis Ghost Tour

Samuel Cupples House
Location Pin St. Louis, MO

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St. Louis Ghost Tour

14. Samuel Cupples House
Location Pin St. Louis, MO

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Like many of St. Louis’ ghostly inhabitants, Samuel Cupples decided he couldn’t part with his 1880s mansion. Yet, why he chose to stick around could be because his surviving family members failed to follow his last wishes. Samuel Cupples was a St. Louis merchant who’s wealth inspired him to display his success in brick and mortar. Moving his family into the mansion was a high point in the Cupples family history; soon after, his wife and three daughters tragically died from diphtheria. Cupples died nearly 30 years later, and gave his relatives a list of strong stipulations for his wealth and worldly possessions, including the house. The mansion was not supposed to wind up in the hands of the nearby St. Louis University because of his discontempt for Jesuits. Additionally, Cupple’s distaste for dancing and merriment pushed him to ban adding a ballroom to the house, as was common at the time. Both things Samuel Cupples requested were ignored. The home is presently owned by St. Louis University, and a ballroom was built on the third floor soon after his death, just as he had denied. For these reasons, many believe that Samuel remains in the house, unpleased with his visitors. There, he enjoys turning the lights on and off, rearranging furniture and particular items, and making an occasional entrance. It’s possible that Cupples could be resting at peace with his young family if not for the broken promises of Cupple’s last regards. Photo courtesy Richie Diesterheft.

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