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St. Louis Ghost Tour

The Payne-Gentry House
Location Pin St. Louis, MO

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St. Louis Ghost Tour

5. The Payne-Gentry House
Location Pin St. Louis, MO

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Even young spirits have a home in St. Louis, and their backyard dances at a former physician’s home have caught the attention of living area residents. Built in the 1870s, the Payne-Gentry house served as a place of comfort for sick St. Louis residents. So comfortable, it seems, that many who didn’t pull through chose to stay. Dr. William Payne was a regional doctor who tended to the ailing from his home, as was common of the time. While many of his patients made it through their sickest days, some did not. Many of those who died untimely deaths have decided to stay nearby the home, and not because of their fondness for Dr. Payne, but the proximity of their corpses. Behind the Payne-Gentry home sits a small cemetery where many children made their final rest. Visitors to the home often report seeing children dancing atop the graves or around the trees in the backyard, or playing games to help eternity pass a little faster. Other living visitors have said they feel cold spots throughout the home and yard, or witnessed seeing strange lights and orbs. Photo courtesy Chuck Morris.

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