Savannah Terrors
Sorrel Weed House

Savannah Terrors
4. Sorrel Weed House

Charles B. Cluskey, a well-known Savannah architect, built the Sorrel Weed House in 1840. This beautiful home has a rich history, from serving as the short-term home of the youngest general in the Confederate States of America, to a filming location for the opening scene in Forrest Gump. However, much of its history is not pleasant, and the Sorrel Weed House is rife with hauntings. In fact, it was featured on the popular show Ghost Hunters. Using EVP, or electronic voice phenomenon, the paranormal investigators recorded a voice screaming "Get out...get me, my God, my God" quite clearly. What diabolical force torments this poor soul apparently trying to warn us? Could it be that the house is cursed, or haunted by a poltergeist? Unlike many other hauntings, no specific reason is given for why these souls stay behind. Some believe that Francis Sorrel's wife remains trapped here after she jumped to her death from the second-floor porch in 1861. No one knows why she took her own life, but rumor has it that Francis Sorrel had an affair with a slave. Soon after Mrs. Sorrel's suicide, the slave woman was so ashamed of her affair that she killed herself in the carriage house where she lived. Perhaps the slave's voice fills the chilly night air with its haunting message. In the basement, the room that was once the slave's kitchen overpowers many who enter. Visitors often feel sick, and some feel so sick that they are forced to leave. Others claim to sense a strong physical presence weighing down on them, making them light-headed or short-winded. The sounds of merry-making and excited voices seem to come from the room, but the sounds stop upon investigation. Other visitors report hearing sounds and a marching band as well. The sources for these hauntings may remain a mystery, but trust your senses: yes, that was a voice whispering in your ear, and yes, that was a hand grabbing your arm. The Sorrel Weed House is indeed hauntingly beautiful.
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