Portland Ghosts
Pittock Mansion

Portland Ghosts
11. Pittock Mansion

The glorious French-style mansion, built in 1914 as a personal summer retirement home, overlooks Portland from a high cliff. The house was built under the guidance of Henry Pittock, a man from humble means that had used his own wits and work ethic to raise himself and his wife into the upper eschelons of society. The Pittocks were philanthropic people that were universally loved by the citizens of Portland. The home was owned by the Pittock family until 1958 and has been a public museum since 1965. Thousands of people a year visit the mansion, and it seems some of them may not be of the mortal world. The strong, fatherly presence felt through the sprawling mansion is said to be Mr. Pittock himself, watching over his home all these years later. Other people say they've felt escorted, like someone is grabbing their elbow and showing them exactly where they need to go--just like a good host would do, of course! Mrs. Pittock's favorite perfume was a rosy scent; even when there are no roses in the garden, she likes to make her presence known in the nostrils of guests. The Pittock gardener also seems to have returned to work at the mansion. Sounds of heavy boots walking through the yard up to the side door have been reported. There have also been sightings of a man in less-than-pristine clothes either working or walking in Mrs. Pittock's gardens. The Pittocks only enjoyed the summers at the mansion for 5 years before passing away. Even though they were both old, happy folks, could this be one reason their spirits have returned? They don't think they got enough time at this paradise, so now they have all the time in the world.
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