Williamsburg Ghost Tour
Chowning's Tavern

Williamsburg Ghost Tour
20. Chowning's Tavern

The Tavern for "Ordinary People," many report strange disturbances such as constantly rearranged furniture and a little girl who seems to appear and disappear at will. One of the tavern waitresses said she had a very difficult time getting out of the restroom once. The door kept pulling right out of her hand. The odd thing about it was that there is no handle on the other side of the door. So she was trying to pull it open while something kept grabbing the door where there was nothing to grab and yanking it out of her hand. The most notable ghost story at Chowning's is Peter the ghost, who apparently had a crush on one of the hostesses at the tavern, Emily. A psychic sitting at the restaurant one day told the waiter she was getting strange feelings from some sort of ghost or supernatural power. He told the psychic they had experienced incidents before. The woman then went on to explain that the ghost Peter was speaking to her, and kept saying he felt a special attachment to Emily and her son who was born too early. Emily the hostess was brought over to the table and after hearing what the psychic woman had to say, felt confused at the information she knew about her. She was not too fond of her ghost stalker and rejected his attraction to her. After her conversation with the woman at the table Emily was seating some people in the gardens and found a white magnolia blossom at her feet that hadn't been there earlier. It was a sign from Peter. The strange thing about this is that the nearest magnolia bush was two blocks away, by the Peyton Randolph house. There was no way for it to have come from any flowering bush nearby on its own. The day after this occurrence Emily quit, as she did not want to be haunted by the ghost and his eerie attraction to her living soul and her son. Sources: Pamela Kinney ( http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/virginias-haunted-historic-triangle-pamela-k-kinney/1102188334?ean=9780764337468 ) and http://norabpeevy.blogspot.com/p/excerpt-from-virginias-haunted-historic.html
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- Tyler Garden
- Tucker Hall
- Brafferton House
- President's House
- Matthew Whaley
- Kimball Theater
- Thomas Moore House
- DoG Street
- Bruton Parish Church
- Wythe House
- Governor's Palace
- Peyton Randolph House
- Path of Death
- Haunted Goal
- Coke-Garrett House
- Palmer House
- Shield's Tavern
- Raleigh Tavern
- Ludwell-Paradise House
- Chowning's Tavern
- Greek Revival
- Nicholson House
- Market Square Tavern
- Public Hospital
- Dora-Armistead House
- The Wren Building
- Steam Tunnel
- PBK Hall
- Jones Cemetery / Secretary Off
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