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Williamsburg Ghost Tour

Market Square Tavern
Location Pin Williamsburg, VA

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Williamsburg Ghost Tour

23. Market Square Tavern
Location Pin Williamsburg, VA

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During the Civil War, this tavern was owned by a Confederate sympathizer who yelled out in support of the Confederates near the end of a skirmish. He was killed by Union soldiers once they secured the area around the tavern. Apparently, he still wonders around the building he once owned, angry at the fate that befell him. On the grounds next to the tavern and between it and the magazine, once stood a church that functioned as a Civil War hospital. The cruel Head surgeon believed amputation to be the best answer to most injuries and soon the small field became piled up with amputated limbs. Guests have reported seeing shadowy figures wandering in the field, as if searching for their limbs that they believed they could have kept. Source: Penguin Press, Jackie Eileen Behrend The Hauntings of Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Jamestown: http://www.amazon.com/The-Hauntings-Williamsburg-Yorktown-Jamestown/dp/0895872102

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