Williamsburg Ghost Tour
Matthew Whaley

Williamsburg Ghost Tour
5. Matthew Whaley

Like most schools in Virginia during the Civil Rights movement, Matthew Whaley elementary underwent desegregation in the 1960s, but not without conflict and acts of hatred. While cleaning out an attic storage room in the school one day, the janitor came upon the hanged corpses of two African American boys that had recently started attending the school. No suspect was discovered, and we can only speculate that the murders were an act of hate. Long after the crime, employees reported seeing apparitions of two little boys that appear to vanish into the door of the attic storage room. Source: iTour and Source: http://hubpages.com/hub/Top-Ten-Haunted-Schools-in-America and http://articles.dailypress.com/1997-05-21/news/9705210038_1_ghost-attic-matthew-whaley-elementary-school

- Tyler Garden
- Tucker Hall
- Brafferton House
- President's House
- Matthew Whaley
- Kimball Theater
- Thomas Moore House
- DoG Street
- Bruton Parish Church
- Wythe House
- Governor's Palace
- Peyton Randolph House
- Path of Death
- Haunted Goal
- Coke-Garrett House
- Palmer House
- Shield's Tavern
- Raleigh Tavern
- Ludwell-Paradise House
- Chowning's Tavern
- Greek Revival
- Nicholson House
- Market Square Tavern
- Public Hospital
- Dora-Armistead House
- The Wren Building
- Steam Tunnel
- PBK Hall
- Jones Cemetery / Secretary Off
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