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Dark Knight Trilogy

CMU Software Engineering
Location Pin Chicago, IL

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Dark Knight Trilogy

46. CMU Software Engineering
Location Pin Chicago, IL

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Located on the corner and not directly across from City Hall as portrayed in the film, Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute represented Gotham's Black Gate Prison. Named for the impending black gate that guards the entrance to the Prison, Black Gate Prison became the preferred location over Arkham Asylum for criminals after the establishment of the Dent Act. Through the Dent Act, individuals with known links to organized crime rings in Gotham City are incarcerated with no chance of parole. Characters such as The Penguin, Catwoman, and dozens of other sane criminals walked the halls of Black Gate throughout the comics. Filmmaker Nolan created the black gate on the western side of the Software Engineering Institute, originally a large arch opening indicating a parking garage. Destroying his construction, Director Nolan sets the scene for chaos when hundreds of prisoners are set free and Bane's army is created.

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